Монтажа и обука за коришћење (интерактивни ЛЕД дисплеј) – ОШ “Марко Орешковић” Нови...
Академија Филиповић опремила је савременим ИКТ средствима Техничку школу у Мајданпеку. У школи је инсталирано: 11 ЛЕД паметних табли LED Recordable Smart Blackboard 146’’ 3 Interactive projektor FBF2019 6 Dokument kamera FBF2100AF 2 Laptop 15.6 FHD/8GB/256GB/GTX1650...
It was a decade ago that the programming workshop of the Filipović Academy introduced the complex programme of the ‘School Information System’, which permanently changed and improved the education process in Serbia. All its parts are being improved and...
Potential employers around the world no longer ask for your average grades during your schooling, but rather what you know and how well you’re able to do the job that your degree prepared you for. All of this imposes a need for non-formal education, so-called...
The Filipović Academy has accredited more than 60 seminars, assemblies and conferences covering various scientific fields, with a special emphasis on information literacy of employees in educational institutions. Since its inception, the Filipović Academy has been...
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